Friday, January 1, 2010

First of the year

Oh boy another year. Three more years and I'll hit that good old 30 age YUCK! So another year of being alone at new years really hoping this year is better. Kris was asleep way before midnight like about 7:30ish I however was sort of up at midnight trying to fall asleep but it wasn't working very well was too busy watching Burn Notice. I didn't really set any resolutions this year. I did set some goals some that could easily happen. Lose about 20lbs this year and find a job that isn't just a temp job. This being laid off shit sucks!!!!!! Well I'm off to get some other things done like my workout now that the kid is done with the wii for now.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

Three years for you to hit 30... but only 2 for me to hit 40....sigh