Friday, April 16, 2010


Ok so after not speaking to a good friend in about 2 years they email me on myspace blew my mind. Don't get me wrong i've missed talking to this person. They gave me their number so we've been txting off and on for 2 days however I feel so bad because he is married. I mean none of the txt messages have been in any form of cheating just two friends catching up nothing sexual or anything like that but I do feel bad just because I know so many women seem to jump to the conclusion their man is cheating on them if a girl from their past txts them. Hell I grew up down at his house when we were kids he's like a brother to me his younger sister was one of my best friends for so many years until she moved to KY then we lost touch but she emailed me too so that made me happy. Right now I am single but not really single I don't know its kinda of complicated. We've been on and off again for going on 5 years he says its just sex but yet sometimes i wonder cuz all of his friends call me his woman and he doesn't argue but at the same time the guy that emailed me out of the blue is one that i would have loved to have been with and not sexually speaking but I guess that will never happen lol oh well i dont know i guess i just want someone to tell me its not completely wrong to talk to someone who is just a friend even though he's not married and they are going through a rough patch. Fuck it i dont know what to think. Well I'm off to curl up with my teddy and cry just because im confused and dont know who i can talk to cuz everyone wants to judge me lately and im so tired of it and so hurt at the same time.

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