Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So today is the day before Thanksgiving its about 9pm here in good old Indiana. I am supposed to be resting according to doctors orders but since when do i ever listen to anyone. A lot has happened this week and I have yet to take the time to deal with any of it. Tomorrow its just mom, me and Kris sitting around house watching tv maybe Kris and I will play monolopy or something together as a family. We are just having ham because Kris says we are not allowed to eat Turkey since we ate his best friend last year (he rode home with the turkey in the backseat last year and it became his best friend kids will be kids) This week i learned that no matter if you do everything right God has his own plan and things happen for a reason. I spent most of my day Tuesday at the ER here in Frankfort and had to have a D&C (i think thats what it is called) as of about 5am yesterday morning I lost the baby. I dont know why or how. I swear i did everything right. I didnt smoke, drink or lift heavy objects I took it easy got lots of rest took my prenatals and everything. I swear if one more person hugs me and tells me it will be ok i'm going to explode. I've held it all together I have yet to break down and cry over all this because I have to be the strong one. Kris took it really hard he was so excited about having a brother or sister. I'm just scared what this mean. Am I ever going to be able to have any more kids??? I mean I dont want to do it all alone but I dont want to be 30 before I have another one. This year is almost over maybe next year will be better or at least I can hope right. Well i guess those who thought i was the black sheep of the family and a total fuck up is correct because i cant even carry a baby full term without loseing it so i hope you are all happy. With that said have a happy thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

Sis, like you said. Maybe God needs it to be this way. I am here if you need a shoulder.
